Thursday, February 21, 2013

Combat Carpenters

Over the course of my military career, I have had several opportunities to travel to strange lands and live in some less than ideal environments. Sometimes, we lived in tents, ate cold rations out of a foil envelope, and utilized “facilities” that would make one yearn for the “Porta Potty” that bakes in the summer sun. Other times we lived in plywood huts that provided a little more protection from the elements but was still smack dab in the middle of hell. Once, I even stayed in a “subdivision” complete with concrete houses and a cul-de-sac with a basketball goal. Regardless of what the living conditions started off as, they always got a little better. This was not because the Army or the Marines suddenly felt sorry for the troops and air dropped a sofa, but instead was directly due to the fortitude of the Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen located there. 

See, no matter where one goes, there is an innate need that tells us we have to make it better. We have to make our surroundings more “homey”. As such, the Combat Carpenter is born. He or she rises up out of the grains of sand and scours the area for anything which could be used. Suddenly that stack of wooden pallets disappears. An old crate once used to package litters moves to a new home as it transforms into a desk or makeshift entertainment center. Nails are pulled and straightened out on rocks, as screws back out with the help of a multi tool. What look like the makings of a good bon fire becomes bench swings, desks, loft beds and so much more. The combat carpenter finds things to trade with and acquires a few sheets of plywood which have been in the desert far too long. Before being used, glue (or similar substance) must be applied to prevent the layers from peeling apart. Soon lumber and plywood become more valuable than cash. A box of straight, unused 16 penny nails becomes the mythical treasure under the rainbow. As down time comes, the sounds of hand saws and hammers can be heard. Occaisionally, an experienced Combat Carpenter, with multiple trips under their belt, will produce a cordless circular saw and drill. Sometimes, these experienced ones produce a box of nails or screws, a carpenter’s triangle, or even a tape measure. 

Other items get repurposed as well. The old, warn out cargo strap suddenly becomes the webbed weave for a chair or bench. Dispensed casings find themselves hanging to form wind chimes. Discarded tangles of 550 cord (paracord) shape an intricate web to build makeshift shelving or even a hanging seat or hammock. Then there are the decks. Dimensioned lumber comes in from a long forgotten requisition, submitted by a previous unit, and a deck is born from which more ideas and comforts of home spawn forth. 

By the time the next unit arrives, small sectors of comfort have taken hold in the form of morale areas / tents. As the new unit settles in and the old unit leaves, a new generation begins to dream of how they can improve their surroundings. Once again the sounds of hand saws and hammers fill the air as saw dust joins the never ending blowing sand. 

Dispensed aircraft flare casings are cut to various lengths to form a wind chime

Contractor built, plywood fire station

Deck and benches (car seats too) built at Camp T.Q., Iraq
The little stuffed animal is "Lil B" my version of a traveling gnome

Notice the seat is a web of old cargo straps

How do you put 4 men in a 2 man room? Build a 4 man bunk

Have you been deployed before? Do you have pictures anything built by our troops? Send them to me and I’ll post them in future editions of Combat Carpenter.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Flawed but worth Saving!

(segments part 2)

 The weekend started off great. I stacked all the rings Friday night for final glue up. I got the clamps applied and walked away. Saturday, I spent with my beautiful bride as we enjoyed the Broadway play, “Billy Elliot”. Sunday was spent with church and friends and I had Monday off. So Monday morning I walked out to the shop, released the clamps and mounted the project to the lathe. As I rotated the spindle by hand, I noticed something. One side was heavy. I rechecked the mount. It was centered. Then I looked a little closer at the rings…

Call it fatigue, call it forgetfulness, or just bad luck. Whatever one calls it, I did it! The problem with picking up a skill that was once mastered and then forgotten is that one tends to remember the steps but forgets the techniques that go with each step. I should have remembered that I built a clamping jig for projects greater than six inches in diameter. But, I did not ... until it was too late.
During the application of multiple bar clamps, 3 of the rings slid out of position. This shift caused the stack to be lopsided. Had I used the jig, singular pressure would have been applied on all points at once. DOH!

What to do? This project was, from the beginning, a skill refresher. During the ring build, I made a few mistakes but overcame them. What to do now? If this was a commission piece or part of a production run, I would have set it aside, possibly even tossed it into the burn pit. However, neither of those scenarios applied. So far, about 33 hours has been invested. I decided to continue, to see this project to the end. I think it can still be salvaged. If not, I have learned and re-learned some useful techniques. 

The lathe came to life. A noticeable wobble sound filled the room and reverberated across my garage workshop. Quickly I began making light cuts until the wobble slowly turned into the sound a something spinning true. A light hum filled the room and washed out my tinnitus. Ribbons of wood peeled off and fell to the floor.  I stopped the machine frequently (every 2 to 3 minutes) to check progress. One side was ready for sanding, but the other side looked like it had not been touched. Although the top and bottom rings were good all around.  

When I started this, I planned each segment to be an inch wide with a ¾ inch overlap. I wrestled with that as a lot of wood would be wasted. Now it works to my advantage. I went back to the graph paper drawing. In theory, this might just work. There should be enough wood overlapping to offset the shift. There is another issue, the profile is changing. The angle from the top to base is becoming steeper. As I stared at the project, the thought of tossing it in the burn pit became more prevalent. Maybe I should just start over. 

As a sigh of disgust washed over me, I saw something out of the corner of my eye. The project, still on the lathe, not as the bowl I had designed, but as something different. The lathe came back to life as I picked up my gouge and once again began peeling away the layers of wood. Shavings piled at my feet, as their aromas filled the air. The original profile is all but gone. A new purpose for this project is born. It will never be a show piece as it is far from perfect and yet, as I look at it, I can already see more character then many “perfect” pieces could ever have. Oh it is so very flawed. But peel away a few layers, sand a few more, add a little polish, a little buffing and maybe even a slight modification and I am betting it will shine. People are a lot like that. You have perfect pieces that shine but have no character. Then you have others that are full of flaws but just need a chance to show how much character they really have!

This project continues. The piece is still on the lathe waiting for my return. I have already drafted the plans for the modification. With any luck, it will all get done this weekend!

Until then,

P.S.  I took several pictures during this process and even shot a short video. As I went to download everything this morning, I found the memory is empty! Only the two pictures I uploaded to Facebook still exist. I am not sure what happened.